Mobile Video Vertical Content


Mobile Video is an important marketing channel over the last few years. However, due to the increasing popularity of mobile short-form vertical videos, brands are increasingly paying attention to platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels to reach an active mobile audience.

Brands can reach millions of users by posting bite-sized trendy Mobile Video Vertical Content to catch and retain the audience’s attention and drive brand awareness and engagement.

Mobile Video Vertical Content



12-month Go-To-Marketing Plan

8 Original Videos (16 seconds per)

Focused Social Media Strategy

Professional Mobile Video Editing

2 Weekly Video Posts (112 posts)

Posted to YouTube Shorts & Instagram Reels


12-month Go-To-Marketing Plan

12 Original Videos (16 seconds per)

Professional Mobile Video Editing

Focused Social Media Strategy

3 Weekly Video Posts (156 posts)

Posted to YouTube Shorts & Instagram Reels, Facebook

Posted and Optimized for TikTok


Add-On - Video Focus

Media Buys and Ad Management

Digi-VUE Advertising Agency